
For the CJPF Awards, we recruited and reviewed Cool Japan initiatives that highlight the appeals of Japan.
We have now decided on the works and initiatives to award in the video and project categories.

*The CJPF Awards are a result of the integration of the former Cool Japan Video Contest and the former Cool Japan Matching Awards.

As the impact of the pandemic subsides, we are seeing heightened interest in Japan in the form of the recovery of inbound tourism, an increase in exports of Japanese agricultural, forestry, fishery and liquor products, and the worldwide success of Japanese anime titles. In light of these circumstances, the Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform (CJPF) (*1) is hosting the CJPF Awards 2024 which aims to promote the Cool Japan Strategy (*2) to deliver the appeal of Japan to foreign countries and expand Japan’s fan base. On this page we introduce the winning works and initiatives.

*1: Established in December 2015 as a forum for strengthening public-private and cross-industry collaboration, with the objective of enhancing the Cool Japan Strategy and promoting a unified public-private sector approach towards Cool Japan initiatives. Current members include various private companies in industries such as content and food industries, and the platform is expected to match members with one other as well as with other parties closely involved in Cool Japan, while heightening the strategy’s appeal and creating new forms of value. While Cool Japan spans various aspects of culture, it was decided at the General Meeting in June 2021 that projects concerned with food and food culture are to be the focus of immediate Cool Japan activities for the time being.
*2: “Restructuring the Cool Japan Strategy” in the Cool Japan Strategy (decided September 2019) and the Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2021 (decided July 2021)
“Rebooting Cool Japan with an Eye on the Post-pandemic Era” in the Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2022 (decided June 2022)
“Full-scale Operation and Evolution of the Cool Japan Strategy” in the Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2023 (decided June 2023)

Award ceremony scene

Video category
award results

Grand Prize

Roots of Japan: The Eigen-ji Area—Japanese Landscapes of the Heart
Winner: Eigen-ji Temple, Head Temple of the Eigen-ji Branch of the Rinzai Zen Buddhism

Encountering the Original Landscapes of Japan from the Rich Nature of the Four Seasons Around Eigen-ji Temple in Shiga

Eigen-ji Temple was built in the tranquility of the Suzuka Mountains by the upper reaches of the Echi River in Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture. The temple has prepared a program that allows visitors to intuitively experience the original landscapes of Japan amid the rich nature of the four seasons. The video itself introduces the program, which allows visitors to experience zazen meditation, Buddhist vegetarian cuisine, the sencha tea ceremony, and Mandokoro tea, which is grown using age-old methods. At the same time, it showcases the charms of Japanese landscapes that have continued since the Nanboku-cho period (1336–1392) using the so-called aesthetics of subtraction.

Winner’s Comments

Located in the deep ravines of the Suzuka Mountains, Eigen-ji Temple in Higashiomi City in Shiga Prefecture has for many years been revered by followers of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism. The temple is blessed with the natural beauty of the four seasons, be it autumn foliage, verdant greens, or snowy landscapes, while it also offers vegetarian Buddhist cuisine, Mandokoro tea, which is grown using an age-old method carried down alongside Zen Buddhism from the Muromachi period, and a rich culture of water linking the Oku Eigen-ji area and Lake Biwa. To further communicate these charms worldwide, I will continue to communicate new sources of information using digital archives from cultural resource databases and others.

Judge’s Comments
Kenichi Watanabe
Director, Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform (CJPF)
Visiting Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts; Researcher, SDM Research Center, Keio University Graduate School

The English subtitles, background music, and overall story work excellently, and the video carefully communicates the appeals of Japan in an easy to understand manner. With the temple setting the scene, the video shows off a quintessentially Japanese culture of subtraction. For foreign people seeing Japanese culture for the first time, it provides an excellent spiritual experience. Moreover, as temples and Zen Buddhism are a common visual topic for foreign people, I look forward to the use of new perspectives and expressive techniques to attract an even greater number of viewers.

Grand Prize

The No.1 Ramen Town in Japan SANO
Winner: SANO City Tourism Association

Sano—The Ramen Capital of Japan Communicating the Charms of Ramen Made using the Aotake-uchi Technique

Sano ramen hails from Sano City in Tochigi Prefecture. Many Sano ramen shops use a unique, traditional technique known as aotake-uchi, and overall there are more than 150 ramen shops in the city engaged in friendly competition with one another. The video uses high-speed visuals at a great tempo to show off everything from the water used to make the soup to the unique ramen production methods and visuals of the ramen being consumed.

Winner’s Comments

I am incredibly grateful to receive this wonderful award. Through this video, I sought to shine a light on the excellent quality of the water from Sano, which is key to the ramen’s delicious taste, and the more than a century old aotake-uchi technique. The ultimate aim was to show off the ramen capital of Japan which has been lovingly developed by local citizens over time. The local Sanomaru mascot character, wearing a ramen bowl on its head, is a previous winner of the Yuru-Chara Grand Prix. With Sanomaru taking the lead, I look forward to working with local businesses to spread joy throughout the world with delicious bowls of Sano ramen.

Judge’s Comments
Kenichi Watanabe
Director, Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform (CJPF)
Visiting Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts; Researcher, SDM Research Center, Keio University Graduate School

The video did an excellent job of differentiating Sano City from other areas using Sano ramen as the hook. The high-speed visuals cleverly communicated the energy of the ramen culture in Sano City. Moreover, showing the vast number and qualities of Sano ramen shops in a simple manner is a great way to attract tourists to the area. Aotake-uchi workshops are very unique. Visuals of the aotake-uchi technique in action were a great way to showcase the uniqueness of Sano City. Overall, I think the video symbolized how ramen is a key part of the Cool Japan Strategy.

Grand PrizeRunner-up

MT. FUJI SATOYAMA VACATION & ECOTOURS (General Incorporated Organization of ECOLOGIC)
Winner: MT. FUJI SATOYAMA VACATION & ECOTOURS (General Incorporated Organization of ECOLOGIC)

Experiencing Satoyama Cultures at the Foot of Mt. Fuji.

Mt. Fuji Satoyama Vacation is an eco tour and glamping facility in a satoyama area in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, based on the theme of harmony, harmony of people, and harmony of Japan. In the video, the facility’s owner speaks in English, introducing Mt. Fuji, the beautiful nearby nature and experiences, and of course the facility itself.

Winner’s Comments

Using my experience in developing and supporting eco-tourism programs in 18 different countries, I started this eco tour and glamping facility with a desire to work with local craftspeople from Fujinomiya to communicate the intangible cultural value of Mt. Fuji to people worldwide. The video was produced by the visual production team 37 Frames as part of efforts to support our activities during the pandemic. I believe there is huge value in a small business like us receiving such as prestigious award.

Judge’s Comments
Chris Glenn
Representative Director, Past Present Future
Radio DJ/Inbound Tourism Ambassador

It is a fantastic video that excellently balances music, visuals, and editorial skills to show off the diverse appeals of Japan, from its nature and food to its cultures and people. I was particularly impressed with how the visuals convinced the viewer that they would have an excellent time when they visit the facility. It was also great to see Masanori speaking in English and Kanako smiling next to him. They are both very likeable characters who you cannot help but want to meet. Congratulations on winning the award!

Grand Prize Runner-up

Sustainable Experience in Kyoto Miyama

Learning About Sustainable Lifestyles and Tourism from Edo-period Kayabuki Thatched Roofs

Miyama Town in Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture, is home to numerous homes with kayabuki thatched roofs that were built between the Edo and Meiji periods. Led by locals, Miyama Town has been working to promote sustainable tourism and town development using the rich natural landscapes and cultures of the area. The video describes the thatched roof culture of Miyama Town, the people who protect this landscape, and the unique satoyama lifestyles that ensure coexistence with nature.

Winner’s Comments

I am incredibly grateful to receive such a wonderful award. Miyama Town is around 90 minutes by car from Kyoto Station. It is a farming and mountain village with a population of approximately 3,300. Moving forward, working with local citizens, local businesses, and visitors from Japan and overseas, I will take pride in continuing to protect the original farming and mountain landscapes of Japan and our own unique lifestyles.

Judge’s Comments
Tomoe Makino
Digital Strategy Advisor, Japan National Tourism Organization; Chairman, Foundation for Meta Tourism

This video showcases the charms of the thatched roof village of Miyama in Kyoto, which was selected as one of the Best Tourism Villages by the UNWTO. The theme for the video was sustainability, and it uses stunning visuals, interviews with proud locals, and English narration to introduce the area. The video also introduces local food and workshops, making the viewer want to visit and live like a local.

Excellence Award

KIOKE SHOYU—A Truly Premium Soy Sauce Only in Japan; Craftsmen Who Brew Time

Protecting the Wooden Barrel Tradition. Carrying the Ideas of KIOKE SHOYU Brewers into the Future

The KIOKE SHOYU Export FacilitationConsortium brings together different soy sauce breweries aiming to revitalize the use of wooden barrels and promote the charms of KIOKE SHOYU. This video describes the tastes generated by different bacterial ecosystems in wooden barrels, how the barrels are made, and how the Yoshino cedar trees that make these barrels are grown. It also communicates the significance of carrying forward the history and thoughts of soy sauce brewers through a dining scene featuring three generations of the same family.

Winner’s Comments

With 29 different soy sauce brewers working together, we are working on branding and public relations activities to enhance the global popularity of KIOKE SHOYU. The production of KIOKE SHOYU, which is made using wooden barrels, was in danger of stopping completely. Rather than competing against each other in a limited market, we are working together to try and capture 1% of the overseas market. We hope to further promote understanding of the diversity and charms of soy sauce, as well as the history and culture that comes with the use of traditional wooden barrels.

Judge’s Comments
Kaoru Joho
CEO, Tablecross Inc.

First of all, congratulations on winning this award. The video had a great storyline and has great potential to popularize Japan’s leading soy sauce brands. Using the terroir concept, the video did an excellent job of promoting the KIOKE SHOYU brand. Moreover, I was particularly impressed with the indirect manner in which the video sought to simultaneously attract inbound tourists and promote export. I look forward to supporting the further promotion of KIOKE SHOYU to customers overseas.

Excellence Award

Find Nature, Feel Nature.

Seeing the Forest from a Treehouse. The Beauty of Japanese Forests from an Entirely New Perspective

The village of Totsukawa in Nara Prefecture is home to Kuchu no Mura, a treetop camping facility with treehouses and playgrounds that utilize the surrounding nature, put together by Jolan Ferreri from France. Through an interview with Ferreri, the video shows off the unique topography and environment of the area, communicating worldwide a new way of enjoying Japan’s forests.

Winner’s Comments

Kuchu no Mura makes use of the unique topography and environment of Totsukawa in Nara Prefecture, and was established with a desire to allow visitors to experience the joy of doing absolutely nothing amid a stunning natural environment. By incorporating the ideas of someone who has moved to Japan from a different country, I was able to capture the charms of Japan from a completely different perspective. Moving forward, I will continue to communicate the wonders of Japanese culture and people’s ideas throughout the world.

Judge’s Comments
Chris Glenn
Representative Director, Past Present Future
Radio DJ/Inbound Tourism Ambassador

Using relaxing music and visuals, the video expertly portrayed Jolan Ferreri’s love for Totsukawa and his passion and enthusiasm for the area. “There is such an abundance of forests but they are not being used.” “Japanese adults don’t go out of their way to play in nature.”The video helps to remind you of regional and Japanese charms that perhaps Japanese people might overlook.

Excellence Award

Public Toilets in Tokyo Garnering Worldwide Attention
Winner: Sekai Studios Inc.

The Birth of a Revolutionary Toilet in Shibuya. The World’s First Transparent Lavatory

The Nippon Foundation has installed the world’s first transparent toilets in 17 locations in Shibuya-ku in Tokyo. In the video, a Japanese and a foreign presenter describe the social background behind these toilets in English, as well as interview the project manager in English. The video shows how revolutionary Japanese product design has helped to change the way public toilets are viewed.

Winner’s Comments

I am overjoyed to be able to receive this award. While there were many positive reactions to the Nippon Foundation’s initiatives from foreign viewers, I was surprised to see some commenting that outside of Japan, these toilets would be defaced or destroyed. Aside from this innovative design, I realized that Japanese manners are an element of Japanese culture that we can be very proud of.

Judge’s Comments
Tomoe Makino
Digital Strategy Advisor, Japan National Tourism Organization; Chairman, Foundation for Meta Tourism

The Tokyo Toilet Project from the Nippon Foundation aims to create accessible public toilets for various people in Shibuya-ku. The video introduces the world’s first transparent toilets, designed by world-famous architect Shigeru Ban, that offer peace of mind for the user, via a foreign and a Japanese reporter. The report on the state-of-the-art Japanese toilet design and the initiatives aimed at creating a more inclusive society make the viewer want to visit the toilets as a tourist attraction.

Excellence Award

Step into The Land of Aikido
Winner: TABIKYO JAPAN Co.,Ltd.

A Trip to Discover Japanese Spirit and Culture through Aikido and Kumano

Tanabe City in Wakayama Prefecture, home to the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage Routes World Heritage Site, is the birthplace of Morihei Ueshiba, founder of the martial art of aikido. Based on theme of aikido and Kumano, the video describes how new doors open for people who travel this area. It depicts locally rooted values and how they link and interact with one another. With clips of Morihei Ueshiba alongside animated scenes, the visuals highlight the special experience granted only to those who take a trip here, expressing the quintessentially Japanese spirit and culture that has been passed down through aikido and Kumano.

Winner’s Comments

The stage for this video was Tanabe City in Wakayama Prefecture, the birthplace of the founder of aikido, and the Nanki area of the Kumano Kodo. The “do” of aikido and the Kumano Kodo share many similarities. Through the eyes of travelers who have visited the area, I sought to showcase the values that can be obtained by syncing people, nature, and traditional cultures through travel.

Judge’s Comments
Laetitia Da Costa
Product Manager, Japan Experience

The video mixed high-quality editing with animation elements for a highly creative outcome. In addition to promoting a return to the roots of aikido, it presents the martial art as a universal sport. With hundreds of thousands of aikidoka across the world, I have no doubt that this message with resonate with many people.

Excellence Award

Edo Flavors: Seasonal Tsukudani from Yanagibashi Komatsuya
Tsukudani : Traditional Japanese Preserved Food

Traditional Japanese Food Made Since 1881. Tsukudani and Downtown Flavors and Customs

Komatsuya is an old tsukudani store established in 1881 in the uniquely downtown district of Yanagibashi in Tokyo. The video shows the store owner making different tsukudani dishes step by step, using eel in the spring and clams in the summer. While incorporating the unique downtown elements of Yanagibashi, the visuals introduce the seasonality of Japanese cuisine and careful Japanese workmanship.

Winner’s Comments

Following on from last year, I’m very happy to again receive this Excellence Award. Next year I will do everything I can to win the Grand Prize. Thank you.

Judge’s Comments
Kazutaka Sato
Representative, International Otaku Expo Association; Representative, Circle.ms

Yanagibashi is a typical downtown neighborhood for working-class Japanese people. The video shows how eel and clam tsukudani is made in the area. The careful work of the chef, the significant impact seasons have on tsukudani, and the introduction of the region where tsukudani was first made will no doubt make foreign people watching the video want to visit the region and try it out for themselves.

Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Award

“Forest Pipe Organ” Experimental Sound Art Show
Winner: The earth organ project MusicalSaw Festival Japan Executive Committee

A Tree-based Sound Art Project to Link the World’s Forests through Communication

Through this sound art project, an independently developed organ mechanism was attached to trees in forests throughout the world, linking them together to play musical sounds. Transforming the Japanese concept of harmony with nature and the belief that inhabit all things into sound art, this project provides people with enjoyment and inspiration from nature and history.

Winner’s Comments

I wanted to see if forests could make sounds akin to a pipe organ. Rather than having people play the music, I wanted nature to play the sounds.
As the Japanese phrase goes, “All five elements of nature have their own sound.” All things have their own sounds and vibrations. I want to create a global organ that resonates using these different sounds and vibrations. Hajime Sakita (Musician)

Judge’s Comments
Jun Kusumoto
PR and Promotion Director, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition

For inbound tourists, all of this year’s wonderful award entries combined beautiful visuals and specific experiences that described Japan’s stunning landscapes and cultures. Unlike other video s that highlighted the appeal of a specific location, the winner of this Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Award was a documentary-like video that saw a musician work alongside engineers to bring shape to his idea of making forests play their own music. The idea to make music from trees was fascinating, and with the noises coming from the rich nature of the forests, the visuals were almost like an illusion. It was a pleasant, uniquely Japanese view of nature that was full of charm. The video portrayed the importance of the link between people and nature. It showed how all living things accept one another, and how by maximizing the potential of this relationship we can create a sustainable society. It was in perfect harmony with the theme for Expo 2025, Designing Future Society for Our Lives.
I selected this video for the award as it helps to enhance understanding of the different living things around us.

Project category
award results

Grand Prize


Updating Notions of Sushi with “Kawaii.” Providing a Completely New Dining Experience

With Sebastian Masuda as creative director, a new sushi restaurant has opened in New York that incorporates elements of the kawaii culture. In the otherworldly psychedelic space, customers can enjoy macaroon sushi and sushi in the shape of parfaits. The artistic messages and values of Masuda are on show for all to see, and the space has helped to provide a completely new dining experience for customers from across the world.

Winner’s Comments

Thank you so much for this incredible award. SUSHIDELIC combines the Japanese kawaii pop culture with traditional Japanese sushi. It is an entirely new restaurant where diners can experience culture through food. Regardless of race, religion, age, gender, or nationality, I hope it can become a place where people can learn about current Japanese culture.

Judge’s Comments
Takeshi Natsuno
Kinki University
Specially Invited Professor and Director of Cyber Informatics Research Institute

Combining sushi and the kawaii culture to provide a new worldview and added value is a new form of creation for Cool Japan initiatives. The project is a fitting winner of this year’s Grand Prize award.

Grand Prize Runner-up

hololive English 1st Concert -Connect the World-
Winner: COVER Corporation

Communicating the VTuber Culture from Japan to the Rest of the World! An Enthralling Live Performance for 20,000 People in Los Angeles

hololive English is a VTuber group that performs for the English-speaking market, and this was its first large-scale live performance overseas. It was the Japanese VTuber company’s first hosting of a live performance in the US. Also featuring members from the Japan-based hololive group and hololive Indonesia, the performance helped to communicate this new Japanese VTuber culture overseas. The 6,000 tickets for the Los Angeles venue sold out in just 10 minutes. At the same time, more than 20,000 people watched the performance live and for free on YouTube, and since then the video has recorded more than 530,000 views.

Winner’s Comments

I am grateful to receive the Grand Prize Runner-up at the CJPF Awards 2024. First developed in Japan, VTuber content has grown in popularity both domestically and internationally. Demand for VTuber content is increasing year on year, and so I will do everything I can to create more content for fans in Japan and overseas, and in turn contribute to the continuous development of the VTuber industry as one of Japan’s leading cultures.

Judge’s Comments
Lauren Rose Kocher
Representative, Vegas PR Group

Congratulations on winning the Grand Prize Runner-up award! Recently, it has been said that Japan is falling behind in terms of innovation, but the technologies and content behind VTuber performances is garnering worldwide attention. The worldwide VTuber market is expected to grow by 35%, and the overseas performance put on by Cover Corporation, which sold out instantly, is one example of this potential growth. I look forward to seeing more overseas events in the future.

Grand Prize Runner-up

Winner: World Matcha Inc.

Making Freshly Ground Matcha More Accessible with a Matcha-making Machine

Instead of the industry standard matcha powder, this project sought to circulate the highest quality matcha tea leaves and develop a machine that could create the real aroma, flavor, and color of matcha with the push of a button. As a result, people from across the world can now easily enjoy freshly made matcha. By creating global demand for high-quality matcha, this project has created a cycle to mutually benefit producers, consumers, and the global environment.

Winner’s Comments

We invented the Cuzen Matcha machine to enable anyone to enjoy delicious matcha, and are working to promote domestic organic matcha worldwide. In the future, our aim is to develop a commercial matcha machine. In addition to its use overseas, we hope to continue contributing to the matcha industry by creating high-quality matcha experiences at hotels, cafes, restaurants, bars, and other places frequented by inbound tourists.

Judge’s Comments
Sakiko Yamada
Japan Representative of International Academy of Gastronomy

In Japan, demand for high quality matcha has continued to decrease and matcha in plastic bottles has become more mainstream. Against this backdrop, it was great to see the potential for delicious, healthy matcha using organic home-grown tea leaves to grow in popularity overseas. The traditional matcha culture in Japan is something spiritual and more than simply the action of consuming it. This culture will not be impacted by the spread of this machine, which will be a fantastic way to enable people to first get to know the quality of Japanese tea.

Excellence Award

Real Escape Game
Winner: SCRAP Co., Ltd.

A Real Escape Game Developed in Japan Tailored to Inbound Tourists

SCRAP, developers of the globally popular escape games, have opened up new multilingual games for foreign visitors to Japan. At the Tokyo Mystery Circus in Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku, and several other stores in the city, SCRAP hosts games and events in multiple different languages for people from Asia, Europe, and the US. At its Tokyo Mystery Circus store, SCRAP has tailored its games and events to inbound tourists through signs, pamphlets, and website content in different languages, as well as by training its staff in English.

Winner’s Comments

At SCRAP, we provide experiences where people can become the main characters in a real mystery-solving story, as well as opportunities for people to enter worlds they didn’t know existed. We created multilingual versions of our games to enable more people from overseas to enjoy them. On top of bringing more fun to our customers, we are incredibly grateful to receive this wonderful award. Moving forward, we will continue to create fun forms of entertainment for our customers.

Judge’s Comments
Shujiro Kusumoto
Representative Director and President, CAFE COMPANY Inc. and ZEROCO Co., Ltd.

This wonderful project involved the development of this world-first and Japan-first real escape game, which has proven to be very popular overseas. Moreover, through proactive collaborations, the games have accurately reproduced Japanese intellectual property including anime, video s, and games. These uniquely Japanese experiences and programs are one of the main reasons we selected the project for the award.

Excellence Award

Sonomono Natto: Powder Natto
Winner: sonomono Inc.

Transforming the World through Natto Bacteria and Advanced Fermentation Techniques. Driving Overseas Demand through Ever-evolving Natto

“Healthy ingredients. Just as they are.”
The Sonomono Natto series makes full use of natto, a traditional Japanese fermented food, but eliminates the unique smell, appearance, and other potentially negative factors for foreigners to give natto enhanced functionality and practicality. As people from across the world begin to learn the various health benefits of natto, this project saw the company work with locals from Kohoku Town in Saga Prefecture, where soy beans are produced, to monitor their level of intestinal activity and gauge the health benefits of the product. Alongside these research results, Sonomono Natto is working with Amazon in the US and other trade fairs to promote the product’s overseas rollout, mainly in the US.

Winner’s Comments

Thank you so much for this wonderful award. Through the Sonomono Natto series, we sought to create an advanced form of natto with enhanced benefits while eliminating any disadvantages that make it hard for foreign people to get to grips with. Natto is a traditional fermented food that has supported the longevity of Japanese lives for more than a thousand years. I hope this award can help to extend this circle of health worldwide.

Judge’s Comments
Lauren Rose Kocher
Representative, Vegas PR Group

Natto is a Japanese superfood but one that for people overseas can be hard to stomach everyday. Despite this, Sonomono Natto has amazingly taken first and second spot as a high-quality health supplement in the JAPAN STORE on the AMAZON US website. For me, it took around three years in Japan before I could eat natto, and so having a supplement like this is a major development. I look forward to continued efforts from Sonomono Natto so that it can contribute to increased sales for soy bean producers in Japan while enabling people across the world to enjoy the health benefits of natto. Congratulations!

Excellence Award

Miyama Thatched Roof Revitalization Project
Winner: Nishio Supplies Co., Ltd.

Participating in Activities to Restore Kayabuki Thatched Roofs to Learn About Japanese Culture and Experience Town Development.

This project aims to promote the restoration of thatched roofs that have been covered in tin in Miyama Town, Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture, with the help of visitors from around the world. As part of the project, the company offers six thatched buildings to use as rented accommodation. The cooperative lifestyles in Japanese farming villages have laid the foundation for Japanese lifestyles of today. This project promotes participative tourism—allowing foreign visitors to participate in these lifestyles, learn about Japanese culture, and experience town development.

Winner’s Comments

For around 150 years since the Meiji Restoration, Japan as a whole has sought to incorporate Western approaches. However, Japanese people have combined other countries approaches with our original ones, for example by incorporating kanji to Japanese or by fusing Buddhism and Shintoism. Perhaps it is now time for us as Japanese people to mix elements of the quintessentially Japanese spirit for the benefit of the rest of the world. The world awaits!

Judge’s Comments
Takaaki Umezawa
Senior Partner at A.T. Kearney/Chairperson of CIC Japan

The idea and concept to have foreign tourists help to restore the many remaining kayabuki thatched roofs in Japan’s regions is wonderful. The project is already managing six thatched roof buildings using the Albergo Diffuso method, and with the number of accommodation facilities increasing with the number of restored houses, the project can make significant contributions to the region. This is an excellent example of regenerative tourism in which travelers participate in carrying forward and restoring elements of regional nature and culture.

Excellence Award

Kado Ichika-ryu
Winner: Meiji Co., Ltd.

Elevating Japanese Sweets into an Artform While Incorporating the “Transience” of Zen Buddhism

This new culture sees Japanese nerikiri sweets elevated into highly artistic pieces that are presented to customers in a manner akin to the Japanese tea ceremony. It has been defined as kado, a new art culture of Japan. To communicate the Japanese sweet culture in a new way, the sweets are made live in front of the customer, with careful attention paid to every movement and every detail. Kado uses the transience concept of Zen Buddhism, as both the ingredients, such as bean paste, and the final shape of the sweet are eventually consumed and disappear. It communicates the very essence of Japanese aesthetics: wabi-sabi.

Winner’s Comments

It is an honor to receive this fantastic award. Like the tea ceremony and ikebana, the Japanese sweet culture highlights the philosophy of the individual. Japanese sweets are something you enjoy with all your senses, and to communicate their charms to the next generation it is essential that we take pride in this Japanese culture. While Japanese sweets continue to change, it is important that we remember the “protect” element of the shuhari concept and move forward while accepting our traditions and cultures in a humble manner. Japanese sweets are very small, but I believe that each piece has unlimited potential to be a condensed form of time and space, people’s emotions, and old and new Japanese aesthetics.

Judge’s Comments
Oya Koc
Representative Director and President, Oyraa, Inc.

Kado Ichika-ryu positions the making of Japanese sweets as a new artform known as kado, opening up an entirely new path for the culture. These outstanding works of art exceed the framework of traditional Japanese sweets. Through the combination of tradition and innovation, these impressive kado products offer a new interpretation of traditional Japanese beauty. Japanese concepts like these are very popular overseas and so I look forward to kado growing in popularity worldwide. Congratulations on winning the award!

Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Award

World Yuru Music Association
Winner: Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.

Yuru Instruments to Bring the Joy of Playing Music to All

Yuru instruments eliminate any obstacles that people might face in playing music, whether it be difficulty or loud noise. The instruments aim to enable anyone to instantly and easily play music. Hosting yuru music events using yuru instruments, educational workshops, and hackathons across Japan, the aim of the project is to bring the joy of musical instruments to all.

Winner’s Comments

I am incredibly grateful to receive this prestigious award. I would also like to use this opportunity to sincerely thank Tomohiro Sawada, director of the World Yuru Music Association, association members, and all the companies involved with the association for their continued cooperation and support. I will continue working to create a society where anyone can enjoy playing music.

Judge’s Comments
Seiichi Saito
Director of Panoramatiks and EXPO Co-creation Program Director

Enabling anyone to benefit form the joys of playing music, whether it be people with psychological or physical constraints, this project embodies the Designing Future Society for Our Lives concept of Expo 2025. Based on its vision to unite the world through musical communication, the company is hosting hackathons, educational activities, and more overseas to promote co-creation through music. It has also participated in the Expo’s Co-creation Challenges and exhibited at the Team Expo Meeting held in December 2023. In this way it has proactively engaged in co-creation and collaboration with other organizations and projects. The company’s activities began in 2019, and with a stable structure in place, I look forward to their continued development beyond Expo 2025. Communicating worldwide the Japanese yuru concept and the Japanese approach to inclusion, the global yet uniquely Japanese project is a worthy winner at the CJPF Awards.

Certificates and prizes



「CJPF AWARD 表彰状」は、約1300年の歴史をもつ日本三大和紙「美濃和紙」の製法を用いて、一枚一枚ていねいに手すきで作っていただきました。その和紙に受賞カテゴリごとに、金・銀・銅で「CJPF AWARD」のロゴを箔押しし、書道家による筆入れで仕上げました。


受賞者に送られた賞品「CJPF AWARD ノート」は、表紙に国産のヒノキの木を薄くスライスした木の紙を、無地の中紙に再生紙を再利用し、自然環境に配慮して作られたノートです。表紙には、CJPF AWARD の金を箔押しし、中表紙には美濃和紙を使用しています。

美濃和紙制作   :美濃竹紙工房(鈴木竹久氏/鈴木豊美氏)

Overall review

CJPF Awards 2024 Minister Comments

Minister of State for "Cool Japan" Strategy
Minister of State for "Cool Japan" Strategy

Cool Japan initiatives are an important way to communicate the appeal of Japan overseas, increase Japan fans, and reinforce Japan’s soft power. As such, the role of the creators and producers who applied for the CJPF Awards is paramount.
This year we received 294 applications in the Video Category and 112 in the Project Category. Thank you to all those involved in the awards, from the applicants and judges to everyone who offered their support.
This year, the Grand Prize winners in the VideoCategory were “Roots of Japan: The Eigen-ji Area—Japanese Landscapes of the Heart” and “The No.1 Ramen Town in Japan SANO” The former described the history and culture of Japan’s original landscapes and the latter highlighted the strengths of locally rooted food. Both stories did so through outstanding visuals and were fitting winners of the award.
Meanwhile, SUSHIDELIC NY, the Grand Prize winner in the Project Category, redefines a national Japanese food in a new pop culture context. It was a very refreshing means of communicating and developing Japan’s appeals overseas.
Through the Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform website and overseas agencies, we will widely communicate these winning videos and projects both domestically and internationally to boost interest in Japan overseas.
Moving forward, working with the national government, regional public organizations, and private businesses, we will further promote Cool Japan initiatives.


Message from the Chair of the Judging Committee for the Video Category

Kenichi Watanabe
Director, Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform (CJPF)
Visiting Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts; Researcher, SDM Research Center, Keio University Graduate School
Director, Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform (CJPF)
Visiting Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts; Researcher, SDM Research Center, Keio University Graduate School

For this year’s awards, we received numerous applications from videos highlighting the appeals of various parts of Japan, and all of us judges were very impressed with the unique viewpoints of each of the productions. The Grand Prize winners this year were “Roots of Japan: The Eigen-ji Area—Japanese Landscapes of the Heart,” which was based on Japan’s traditional cultures, and “The No.1 Ramen Town in Japan SANO,” which shined a light on Japan’s world-famous ramen culture. Both did an excellent job of showing off Japan’s tangible and intangible charms overseas. The Grand Prize Runner-up award was given to two productions, “Sustainable Experience in Kyoto Miyama” and the “Mt. Fuji Satoyama Vacation.” As interest in coexistence with nature grows, both videos presented new charming aspects of Japanese nature and culture. Elsewhere, Excellence Awards were given to videos highlighting aikido, natural landscapes, transparent toilets, traditional soy sauce, and tsukudani, for example, and these unique themes helped to highlight different appeals. Through visuals like this, these awards are showing the possibilities of communicating the contexts of Japanese culture worldwide. In the future, I look forward to even more authentic and outstanding productions.

Video Category Judges’ Profiles

Chris Glenn
Representative Director, Past Present Future
Radio DJ/Inbound Tourism Ambassador
Kazutaka Sato
有Representative, International Otaku Expo Association
Representative, Circle.ms
Kaoru Joho
CEO, Tablecross Inc.
Laetitia Da Costa
Japan Experience
Product Manager
Tomoe Makino
Chairman, Foundation for Meta Tourism
Japan National Tourism Organization
Digital Strategy Advisor

Message from the Chair of the Judging Committee for the Project Category

Takeshi Natsuno
Kinki University
Specially Invited Professor and Director of Cyber Informatics Research Institute Institute
Kinki University
Specially Invited Professor and Director of Cyber Informatics Research Institute Institute

Following on from last year, we were very grateful to again receive so many applications this year. With the end of the pandemic and the return of inbound demand, through the judging process we were able to see the creation of numerous new services offering unique and real experiences to tourists. The selection of projects that are helping to carry forward unique Japanese cultures like matcha, Japanese sweets, and thatched roofs was a great result for the further expansion of Cool Japan initiatives in the future. This year’s CJPF Awards solidified my belief that Japan will continue to garner attention moving forward. Thank you all very much.

Product Category Judges’ Profiles

Takaaki Umezawa
Senior Partner at A.T. Kearney/Chairperson of CIC Japan
Shujiro Kusumoto
Representative Director and President, CAFE COMPANY Inc. and ZEROCO Co., Ltd.
Lauren Rose Kocher
Representative, Vegas PR Group
Oya Koc
Representative Director and President, Oyraa, Inc.
Sakiko Yamada
Japan Representative of International Academy of Gastronomy

Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Award Judges’ Profiles

Seiichi Saito
Director of Panoramatiks and EXPO Co-creation Program Director
Manabu Inoue
Assistant Director, General Secretariat of the Headquarters for the World Expo 2025, Cabinet Secretariat
Jun Kusumoto
PR and Promotion Director, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition
Koji Kobayashi
Director General, PR and Promotion, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition

Organizer and Supporters


Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform (CJPF)
The CJPF, which is administered by the Cabinet Office’s Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters, was established in December 2015 to pursue the Cool Japan Strategy via collaborative efforts that bring together the public and private sectors as well as numerous industries. Currently, CJPF members include many government agencies and organizations, and private-sector companies, organizations, institutions and individuals. All members provide support for information sharing and new business-project creation.