
We sought out and examined initiatives that convey the attractions of Japan based on the “Cool Japan” approach.
Award winners were selected in two categories: videos and projects.

(The CJPF Award is a merging of the former Cool Japan Video Contest and Cool Japan Matching Award)

Toward the post-COVID-19 world, it is needed to disseminate the attractions of Japan with sustainable stories and expand communities of Japan fans, focused on themes ranging from nature and culture through to industries, food and culinary culture, tourism, entertaining content, handicrafts and production, and even leading-edge digital technologies.
1: Eligibility for CJPF Award 2023 extends to videos that convey appealing aspects of Japan for overseas audiences, and to international projects that create new value and appeal of Japan for people outside of Japan.
2: You can see all award-winning works on this page.

1 Sources: Cool Japan Strategy (CJ Strategy; established in June 2019); “Restructuring the Cool Japan Strategy” (finalized in July 2021) within the Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2021; “Restarting the Cool Japan in anticipation of post-COVID” (finalized in June 2022) within the Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2022.
2 The Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform (CJPF) was established in December 2015 as a means of strengthening collaborations between government, the private sector, and various industries, with the goals of deepening the CJ Strategy and facilitating unified public–private efforts in Cool Japan projects. Currently, content makers, producers of food products, and various other private-sector companies are members of the CJPF, and efforts are being undertaken to create new value and refine existing appeal points through matching services between member companies and Cool Japan officials. During the June 2021 general meeting of CJPF members, a decision was made to focus current endeavors primarily on food and culinary culture among the many Cool Japan topics addressed.

Awards ceremony

Movie category
award results

Grand Prize

Award Winners:Fukushima city

Showcasing the charms of traditional Japanese Bonsai by highlighting and incorporating the surrounding nature and region

These visuals link the Azuma Goyomatsu pine trees that grow naturally in the Azuma mountain range in Fukushima Prefecture with the stunning bonsai that are born from their seeds. The visuals are a modern expression of how the natural Azuma Goyomatsu pines that live in harsh climates are associated with one of the most popular varieties of Bonsai in the world.

Comments by Award Winners

The Goyomatsu variety of pine lives through the harsh natural climate of the Azuma mountains, which are a symbol of Fukushima City, and for many years their form has been a source of inspiration for Bonsai enthusiasts. Through this video we have portrayed the charms of Azuma Goyomatsu by focusing on their spiritual nature. Using this Grand Prize as an opportunity, we will work to attract inbound tourists to Fukushima through this so-called killer content and communicate information on the reconstruction and recreation of the area.

Comments by Panelists
Yoshiki Tsuji
School Headmaster, Tsuji Culinary Institute; Chairman, Tsujicho Group

This video captured the hearts of the judges more than any other. With the globally popular Bonsai as the theme, this ambitious production expresses the essence of not only Bonsai’s beauty, but of the powerful nature that enables them to survive in harsh environments. While showing off this worldview, the video brilliantly showed Bonsai’s expansion into industry.

Grand Prize

Inspiration and Comfort | TIMELESS YUKIGUNI
Award Winners:N37 inc.

Describing the appeals of Japan by enhancing the value of the snowy season

This video captured the hearts of the judges more than any other. With the globally popular Bonsai as the theme, this ambitious production expresses the essence of not only Bonsai’s beauty, but of the powerful nature that enables them to survive in harsh environments. While showing off this worldview, the video brilliantly showed Bonsai’s expansion into industry.

Comments by Award Winners

he Snow Country Tourism Zone refers to snow-rich regions that can be covered in more than three meters of snow. While of course there are other regions with heavy snowfall across the world, it is both surprising and rare for so many people to live in these regions despite the climate. Our hope is that the video would introduce the appeals of lifestyles in these regions, as well as the excitement of trips to the area.

Comments by Panelists
Yoshiki Tsuji
School Headmaster, Tsuji Culinary Institute; Chairman, Tsujicho Group

This ambitious work portrays not only the “beauty” but also the “severity” of the snow country in its world view when expressing luxury accommodations. Through this contrast, it expresses the essence of Japan’s unique beauty. As a video, it is outstanding in the way it captivates the viewer slowly and carefully, drawing them into the world of the snow country.

Runner-Up Prize

Unforgettable Japan, Mie
Award Winners:Mie Prefectural Government Tourism Bureau

Seeing, eating, experiencing. Visually communicating the unique appeals of the region

Filmed and edited from the viewpoint of a French creator, this video highlights Mie’s famous landmarks and unique cultures including Ise Jingu Shrine, Ago Bay (Yokoyama Observatory), the Akame 48 Waterfalls, Iga-ryu ninja, ama divers, bonito flake huts, Iga kumihimo braided cords, Matsuzaka and Iga beef, and the Meoto Iwa rocks. These impressive visuals communicate the history and cultures of the prefecture that have been nurtured by its expansive nature and local people.

Comments by Award Winners

Thank you very much for this prestigious award. A visit to Mie Prefecture can create many unforgettable moments, be it the nature, history, and culture seen in Ago Bay, Ise Jingu Shrine, ama divers, or ninja; stunning cuisine such as Matsuzaka beef and Ise shrimp; or the warm hospitality of Mie locals. We will continue to conduct international PR activities to ensure that we can communicate these highlights to as many people from other countries as possible.

Comments by Panelists
Tomoe Makino
Chairman, Foundation for Meta Tourism

This high-quality video shows off Mie’s unique appeals in its culture, nature, food, and people. It is a monologue of few words and allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the production. We selected this video for a prize as it is a stunning production that stays with you after you watch it. Congratulations on your award.

Runner-Up Prize

The way of gourmet cooking in Usuki
Award Winners:Usuki City

History, tradition, food culture. Disseminating unique regional highlights through short videos

This video uses eight short stories to introduce the delicious cuisine of Usuki City, which was selected to be part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the food culture category. It presents the deeper appeals of the city’s food by uncovering stories related to the ingredients, such as traditional cultures handed down through generations and the techniques of master craftsmen.

Comments by Award Winners

We created this video to introduce Usuki’s cuisine to the wider world as part of our efforts to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. We believe we have been able to widely disseminate not only the city’s stunning cuisine, but also how the city’s magnificent food culture is connected to the SDGs and healthy ways of life. We will continue with efforts to carry forward and create the city’s food cultures and use them as tourism resources to maximum effect.

Comments by Panelists
Laetitia Da Costa
Product Manager, Japan Experience

Despite the simple nature of the video, it has a thorough, clear message. This is what makes it fascinating. Japanese cuisine is not only delicious, it is rich in tradition, sustainable, and healthy. These essential elements are embodied in this video, which presents Japanese food in a slightly different manner. It also expresses how food is a culture that is passed on to successive generations through people. It is for this reason that we judged the video to be in line with Cool Japan strategy.

Awards for Excellence

Award Winners:Tomato Red Motion

Expressing the appeals of cuisine at a first-class hotel alongside traditional Japanese vessels

This video describes the thoughts and ideas that Akito Akagi, a Wajima-nuri lacquerware craftsman, has incorporated into the Stones lacquerware used in afternoon tea sets at Palace Hotel Tokyo. Specifically, it expresses the sense of harmony that is achieved by bringing together the complexities of nature with manmade vessels. Through vessels that are provided to the customer alongside magnificent cuisine, the video communicates the quintessentially Japanese sense of spirituality and the charms of traditional cultures.

Comments by Award Winners

Thank you for the very good news. Our hope is to increase the number of Japan fans by communicating our world-leading cultures and traditions worldwide. We also hope that as Japanese people we can grow more fond of our own country and help bring shape to its unique attractions.

Comments by Panelists
Yoshiki Tsuji
School Headmaster, Tsuji Culinary Institute; Chairman, Tsujicho Group

This is a high-quality production with a thoroughly well-constructed story. It showcases a uniquely Japanese tradition and harmony with nature through the combination of natural beauty and a craftsman’s expertise. I was impressed by his innovative spirit of combining the vessels and cuisine, as well as how it stimulates and inspires the viewer to visit the hotel.

Awards for Excellence

【Amami Oshima・Tokunoshima】BREATHTAKING KAGOSHIMA

Japan of the sea and Japan of the mountains. Introducing the beauty of the Japan as an island nation through regional music

Using a high-resolution 4K camera, this video focuses on the Amami-Oshima and Tokunoshima islands, which have recently been recognized as a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site. Featuring traditional shima-uta folk music alongside the visuals allows viewers to experience the atmosphere of an actual visit. The video helps to communicate the captivating appeals of the region, such as its abundant nature, and unique, diverse traditions and customs, to people overseas.

Comments by Award Winners

Thank you very much for choosing me for the Awards for Excellence. We hope this video encourages you to visit Kagoshima Prefecture and enjoy its many unique tourism resources, including three World Heritage Sites, stunning cuisine including Japan’s leading wagyu in Kagoshima Kuroushi, outstanding prefectural produce, a unique history, and distinctive cultures.

Comments by Panelists
Cosplayer/ Cool Japan PR Ambassador

The viewer is drawn in from the very beginning, and I was impressed that such stunning locations existed in the country I live in. As the video went on my desire to visit Kagoshima grew, and I’m sure many who watch it will feel the same way. This is why I selected it from among the others.

Awards for Excellence

Bathhouse murals of Mt. Fuji | Morio Nakajima
Award Winners:PLAY TOKYO

Disseminating the appeals of traditional Japanese bathhouses from a bathhouse mural painter

With the work of bathhouse mural painter Morio Nakajima as the main visual theme, this video introduces different bathhouses and restaurants in Tokyo where his murals are on display. It uncovers the little-known even among the Japanese yet fascinating artwork of public bathhouses in a popular Japanese culture, and links it to the appeals of Tokyo.

Comments by Award Winners

I am honored to receive such an unexpectedly brilliant award. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to Morio Nakajima who was kind enough to allow us to film and interview him several times whilst at work. PLAY TOKYO will continue to communicate the vitality of Tokyo to the rest of the world.

Comments by Panelists
Kazutaka Sato
Representative Director, International Otaku Expo Association
Representative Director, Circle.ms

Congratulations on your award! It was a fantastic video that highlighted Japan’s unique public bathhouse culture and the colorful artwork that decorates the bathhouses themselves. Whether it is the kote-e plaster reliefs that have traditionally decorated storehouses and other buildings since the Edo period, or more recently hand-painted movie signboards, while popular Japanese art might seem ordinary to Japanese people, there are many genres that are fascinating and full of value for people overseas. I’m sure there are many people who have watched this video and newly discovered what makes Japan so interesting.

Awards for Excellence

Carrying Traditions, Creating the Future
Award Winners:Osamu Hasegawa

Ikebana, miso, and Japanese architecture—showcasing regional appeals through craftsman carrying forward traditions

This video was produced using the mirrorless LUMIX GH6 digital camera. Using state-of-the-art technology, it conveys traditional Japanese beauty such as ikebana and shrines and temples. The magnificent images, traditional values, and the so-called aesthetics of subtraction all coexist within the video.

Comments by Award Winners

We believe that the arts, cultures, and manufacturing techniques we have inherited from our ancestors are incredibly unique and high in quality. In an era in which cultural homogenization is progressing, we think that switching our focus to unique Japanese traditions can open up new possibilities for Made in Japan by linking them to modern technologies and sensibilities.

Comments by Panelists
Laetitia Da Costa
Product Manager, Japan Experience

This video does a great job of communicating Japan’s unique charms. Starting with traditional ikebana, and centered on the aesthetics of subtraction theme, the video covers everything from food culture and nature to lifestyles and beliefs. It excellently demonstrates a unique, cross-generational Japanese worldview, effectively showing off the appeals of a different country and the beauty of a different culture. I believe it is the ideal video to communicate to people overseas.

Awards for Excellence

Mochi, a PR video for Ichinoseki City rice cakes
Award Winners:Ichinoseki Mochi Promotion Council 

Communicating a story about how mochi is a key part of regional lifestyles and relationships

This video introduces the traditional mochi food culture from the Ichinoseki and Hiraizumi regions in southern Iwate Prefecture in story form alongside daily lifestyles and scenes. It uncovers the characteristics of Japanese people and the appeals of the region through a food culture that is firmly rooted in local lifestyles.

Comments by Award Winners

It is the great honor to have received such a wonderful award. The mochi culture in these regions has been carried forward to today as a key part of people’s lives, functioning as a tool for interaction between families and regions and for providing excellent hospitality. We hope this award will encourage people to explore the mochi culture of Ichinoseki and Hiraizumi. Thank you so much.

Comments by Panelists
Tomoe Makino
Digital Strategy Advisor, Japan National Tourism Organization

This video showed us a movie-like story that not only introduced mochi as a food, but also how it has intangible value as an essential part of lives and cultures in the Ichinoseki area. Different to a regular tourism introduction video, I selected the video for its unique approach in the Cool Japan Movie Category.

Awards for Excellence

Apex Legends x DRUM TAO
Award Winners:TAO Entertainment CO. Ltd

A collaboration between wadaiko drums and a promotional game video. Showcasing a traditional Japanese culture through a new means of expression

This promotional video brings together DRUM TAO, a wadaiko entertainment group from Takeda City in Oita Prefecture with Apex Legends, a game with more than 100 million players worldwide. Using scenes from the game, the video highlights the appeals of wadaiko and Takeda City.

Comments by Award Winners

Upon request from Apex Legends, a popular game with more than 100 million users worldwide, we created a music video and the accompanying music which recreated the game’s theme song using Japanese instruments. As one would expect from TAO, we created a modern rendition highlighting the coolness of Japan. The production was incredibly well-received by the Apex Legends HQ in the US, who requested an additional five soundtrack recreations. We believe the videos have helped to disseminate the appeals of Japanese instruments worldwide. It is a great honor that we have been recognized in this way, and in the future we hope to recreate these productions on stage.

Comments by Panelists
Kenichi Watanabe
Director, Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform / XPJP Inc.

This video was a brilliant collaboration between Apex Legends’ animation and the wadaiko drums of the DRUM Tao group. The possibilities for video-based expressions are endless. The harmony between animation and music is the foundation for cool expressions. With the arrival of VR, 5G, NFTs, and other technological advancements, I look forward to even more evolution in this area.

Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Award

Let's share the excitement of foreigners after completing the Shikoku Pilgrimage!
Award Winners:Rich Honeycomb, Inc. Hideko Kataoka

Introducing the experiential value of the Shikoku Pilgrimage through the eyes of foreign visitors

This video brings together feedback from foreign visitors who have experienced the Shikoku Pilgrimage. Instead of simply showing videos of the pilgrimage itself, the video introduces the value of the Shikoku Pilgrimage through direct comments from foreign visitors who have completed it. Viewers are inspired to think about the pilgrimage through these stories, which also help to promote the appeal of interacting with the osettai culture, history, and nature of the region.

Comments by Award Winners

The project began when I asked some international pilgrims why they chose to walk such a challenging path. Their words and expressions as they spoke about their experiences on the pilgrimage were fascinating. Through the interviews we were once again able to feel the warmth of Shikoku’s osettai culture. We want to communicate their impressive experiences to the world, and we want you to have the same emotion.

Comments by Panelists
Jun Kusumoto
PR and Promotion Director, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition  

The subjects, the unique Shikoku pilgrimage and osettai hospitality customs, are presented in a simple and easy-to-understand structure. Alongside the real experiences of international pilgrims, this fantastic production was full of moving, powerful messages. In recent years, spiritual experiences based on Japanese cultures have been garnering worldwide attention. In addition to stimulating people’s desire to visit Japan, I feel the video has a strong affinity with Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan, which will be held in the place surrounded by Kyoto, Nara, and Shikoku, all with profound history and culture. This is why I selected the video for this year’s award.

Project category
award results

Grand Prize

Saudi Arabia Anime Village Project
Award Winners:Avex Asia Pte. Ltd.

Developing the Middle Eastern market through anime. Hosting a Japan-led large-scale anime project at a national event in Saudi Arabia.

This anime-themed experiential event was held in the City Walk area of Jeddah Season 2022, a national event in Saudi Arabia that draws in more than five million people. The event featured an experiential pavilion with giant dioramas and VR technology for visitors to immerse themselves in the worlds of 12 anime productions popular with locals, as well as shops selling related merchandise. The event marked Japan’s expansion into the Saudi Arabian market through facilities that allowed visitors to enter anime-themed towns/villages.

Comments by Award Winners

It is the great honor to have received this prestigious award. As professionals in entertainment, Avex does not simply deliver Japanese contents to people overseas, but rather strives to add value to this content through surprise and excitement. Moving forward, we will continue communicating the excellence of Japan’s entertainment culture to people worldwide. In addition, we look forward to the increase in number of young people who can also take on this role and find success on the global stage.

Comments by Panelists
Takeshi Natsuno
Specially Invited Professor and Director of Cyber Informatics Research Institute at Kinki University

While there are an array of anime- and manga-themed events in many different countries, many of these have been set up through the the passion of local fans. This large-scale initiative, however, was led by a major Japanese company, and marks Japan’s expansion into the untapped Middle Eastern market, which is experiencing rapid growth. These two elements were the deciding factors behind our decision to award the event the Grand Prize.

Runner-Up Prize

EKIBEN ToriMéshi Bento
Award Winners:Hanazen Co., Ltd.

Extending Japan’s unique EKIBEN culture overseas. Selling ekiben from Akita at Gare de Lyon.

Aiming to make ekiben—or station bento—the next globally recognizable Japanese word after bento, this initiative saw the Torimeshi Bento, a famous ekiben from JR Odate Station, sold at a pop-up store at Gare de Lyon in Paris. In addition to the Torimeshi Bento, the pop-up store also sells six other ekiben featuring famous Akita delicacies, including kiritanpo. The initiative seeks to spread Japan’s unique ekiben culture to Europe, where train travel is widespread.

Comments by Award Winners

We expanded our business into France to further develop the ekiben culture. While worrying whether ekiben would succeed in France, eating and drinking on trains was prohibited between January and February 2022, and sales plummeted. This means that French people actually eat their ekiben on trains. In the future, we will work to provide our ekiben to even more countries. Thank you.

Comments by Panelists
Shujiro Kusumoto
Representative Director and President, CAFE COMPANY Inc.

I was very impressed at the significant value the project brings by communicating Japan’s unique food culture alongside actual experiences. I look forward to more worldwide communication of Japan’s delicious, healthy, and sustainable cuisine.

Awards for Excellence

Award Winners:ibis inc.

More than 300 million downloads worldwide. A multilingual app from Japan that allows users to easily draw pictures on their devices

ibisPaint is a drawing app that can be used on smartphones, iPads, Android tablets, and Windows devices. Available in 19 different languages, the app has been downloaded more than 300 million times in more than 200 countries and regions across the world. The app’s aim is to showcase and spread Japan’s anime and manga illustration culture among predominantly Generation Z and Generation Alpha.

Comments by Award Winners

I am Eiji Kamiya, the president and CEO of ibis Co., Ltd. Thank you so much for bestowing the Awards for Excellence at CJPF AWARD2023. Japan’s anime pictures are popular throughout the world, and many people have posted their own anime-style illustrations within the app. Moving forward, we will continue to focus our efforts on spreading Cool Japan worldwide.

Comments by Panelists
Oya Koc
CEO of Oyraa

Drawing is of course a key element of anime and manga, two major pillars of Japanese culture. The achievements of ibisPaint deserve significant recognition. In addition to spreading this culture among young artists worldwide, the app has surpassed 300 million downloads, with the majority of these coming from overseas. The app also has a strong sense of community with the ability to post drawings within the app and its strong social media presence. I believe it has successfully helped to spread the charms of Japanese culture. Congratulations on your award and I look forward to even greater developments going forward.

Awards for Excellence

Online Snack Yokocho
Award Winners:Online Snack Yokocho Culture Company

Communicating the appeals of Japanese night-time entertainment “snack bars” overseas. Linking online experiences to real visits to Japan

Online Snack Yokocho enables people to enjoy snack bar experiences online, with around 100 snack bars from Japan and overseas taking part in the project. In addition to enjoying chats with snack bar proprietors and proprietresses online, participants can even enjoy snack bar “hopping” tours and experience snack bars from various locations in-person. By demonstrating the appeals of snack bars—of which there are more than 100,000 nationwide—to people overseas, the service aims to send visitors to rural areas and grow the night-time economy through snack bar tours.

Comments by Award Winners

Snack bars are a unique element of Japanese night-time culture with three cultural characteristics: karaoke, Mama who is the owner of snack bar, and local community. With the number of foreign visitors to Japan set to increase, we will continue to communicate the attractions of these snack bars through online experiences, in-person bar hopping tours, and a diverse range of other initiatives.

Comments by Panelists
Takaaki Umezawa
Senior Partner at A.T. Kearney/Chairperson of CIC Japan

Snack bars are a unique cultural aspect of Japan. They exist in every town throughout the country, and for customers are an important part of local infrastructure that allows them to connect with the local community. As calls grow for enhanced measures for the night-time economy in rural areas to counter tourism-related issues, snack bars could have a major role to play if geared toward foreign visitors to Japan. I selected this initiative for the Excellence Award in recognition of its strategic significance and uniqueness.

Awards for Excellence

DASSAI Beyond the Beyond
Award Winners:Asahi Shuzo Co., Ltd.

Taking on the luxury market with Japanese sake. Created from the finest Yamada Nishiki rice, Dassai is leading efforts to become a global brand

Based on the theme “beyond the beyond”, this sake was created using the winning rice from the Beyond the Best Yamada-Nishiki Project. Compared to wine and whisky, for example, there are very few high-priced sake varieties. Against this backdrop, Dassai Beyond the Beyond was the first sake product to be offered at the Sotheby’s auction house in New York, and was ultimately sold for a staggering 8,125 dollars (approximately 1,150,000 yen). This proved that there was appreciation and opportunity for a high-priced sake market overseas.

Comments by Award Winners

In addition to the thorough pursuit of characteristics exclusive to Japanese manufacturing, such as hard work and attention to detail, our sake is produced in combination with techniques and data utilization unique to the modern world. We believe that the key to success in the future is the evolution and enhancement of sake and Japanese manufacturing. The success of this project has shown part of that evolution, and we are honored to have been recognized for our efforts.

Comments by Panelists
Lauren Rose Kocher
Representative Director, Vegas PR Group

Congratulations on your award. This was the first time that Japanese sake had been offered and sold at Sotheby’s, the world’s oldest auction house. The sake even featured a bottle-cap with a gold leaf lacquer design. Alcoholic drinks from other countries already have established international markets. With this in mind, I believe we can anticipate much more growth for sake in overseas markets. While there might not be many who can purchase a bottle of sake for 1,150,000 yen, I have no doubt that the success of this auction will see more people want to try sake at restaurants, drink Dassai, and visit Japan to experience its authentic sake culture. That is excellent!

Awards for Excellence

Award Winners:Japan Ninja Council

Collaboration between ninjutsu schools from 10 different regions. Building an educational curriculum by systematizing the way of the world-famous ninja

Based on ninjutsu handbooks left by ninja from the Edo period, the Nindo Project has created a modern-day curriculum for ninjutsu, the discipline of Japan’s world-famous and traditional and cultural asset, the ninja. Through collaboration between domestic ninjutsu schools and areas associated with ninja as part of the Nindo Project, the aim is to cater to the needs of international visitors with an interest in ninja in various locations throughout Japan and in turn promote regional development.

Comments by Award Winners

I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for your support of the NINDO PROJECT, which has received a brilliant award. For Japan, ninja culture is killer tourism content suited to any region or religion. Through strong domestic collaboration in ninja culture, and worldwide distribution of relevant content, we will work to contribute to the recovery of inbound tourism and promote regional development.

Comments by Panelists
Lauren Rose Kocher
Representative Director, Vegas PR Group

The ninja culture is famous worldwide. For us judges, it was very interesting and exciting, and we had smiles on our faces while judging. We could clearly see the passion and depth of the Japan Ninja Council and the Nindo Project. The content is fantastic not only on the surface, but also how it incorporates culture, history, and language. I can really feel their enthusiasm in communicating this culture worldwide. I’ve been keeping track of the Japan Ninja Council’s activities for a while, and I’m always impressed. The comments section on their YouTube channel are mostly in English, too, which is great to see. I'm rooting for you.

Awards for Excellence

Award Winners:OITA Prefecture
Partners:Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU)

Rediscovering regional appeals through the eyes of international students. Having international students uncover the appeals of Oita Prefecture and share them in their home country and worldwide

This project saw international and Japanese students from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University learn video production techniques and work together to create video content on tourism highlights in Oita Prefecture. The international students speak about Oita’s appeals in their native language and share the video with people in their home country. The video production process also helped these international students learn more about Oita Prefecture, and even after graduation there are high hopes that they will find success in various fields as Oita enthusiasts.

Comments by Award Winners

The project began as a means to strengthen communication during the pandemic, and this year is our third. We are overjoyed and incredibly thankful that our work with the university this year has been recognized in this way. We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who helped with our filming activities. We will continue to make use of this video to encourage as many international visitors as possible to come to Oita Prefecture.

Comments by Panelists
Sakiko Yamada
Japan Representative of International Academy of Gastronomy

It was great how the international students used skills unique to their generation to communicate their ideas, something we haven’t really seen before. The fact that it was initiated by APU and Oita Prefecture, a local government, rather than by companies or local communities ensured both an international and student-based viewpoint and the viewpoint of prefectural officials familiar with the area. I think it brilliantly communicated the real charms of the prefecture. I look forward to similar initiatives being extended to other international students nationwide.

Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Award

Co-Creating Circular Project
Award Winners:Curegroup Corporation

Creating a new circular business model. Using biodegradable remnants of cloth made from washi fiber〈CURETEX®〉to invigorate the soil and cultivate highly nutritious vegetables

This project first involved the proprietary development of a biodegradable washi fiber 〈CURETEX®〉product. After use, the product itself or remnants of the product are used in the cultivation of highly nutritious vegetables without the need to use agrochemicals. Covering everything from product sales, post-use collection, vegetable cultivation, and food product sales, it is a fully circular project geared toward the SDGs.

Comments by Award Winners

We are very honored to receive the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Award. Ahead of Expo 2025, we are currently working with more than 30 different companies. This summer we also plan to open a model park where people can experience the circular model first hand. We will continue partnering with numerous stakeholders to help us achieve our goals. Thank you for today.

Comments by Panelists
Seiichi Saito
Director of Panoramatiks and EXPO Co-creation Program Director

In addition to demonstrating new possibilities for washi, this project also showed various possibilities for sustainability—key in today’s society—while it also redefined what it means to make materials from natural resources. The project already involves numerous partnerships, and in addition to further co-creation ahead of Expo 2025, I look forward to its development both inside and outside of the Expo venue and its ongoing success.

Certificates and prizes

CJPF AWARD Certificate of Commendation・CJPF AWARD Note

“CJPF AWARD Certificate of Commendation

“CJPF AWARD Certificate of Commendation” was carefully hand-made one by one using the manufacturing method of “Mino Washi”, one of Japan’s three major Japanese papers with a history of about 1300 years. The “CJPF AWARD” logo was foil-stamped in gold, silver, and copper for each award category on the Japanese paper, and finished with a calligraphy brush.


The prize “CJPF AWARD notebook” sent to the winner was made with consideration for the natural environment, with the cover made of thinly sliced Japanese cypress wood paper and the plain inner paper made of recycled paper. It’s a notebook. The cover is stamped with CJPF AWARD gold, and Mino Washi paper is used for the inner cover.
Both the award certificate and the prize are made with the passion of the craftsmen, and are finished with a finish that embodies the new “tradition of Japan”.

Mino Washi Production: Mino Bamboo Paper Studio (Takehisa Suzuki/Toyomi Suzuki)
Printing, bookbinding, foil stamping: Niizato Bookbinding (Tomoyuki Niizato)

Overall review

CJPF AWARD 2023 General Comments

Naoki Okada
Minister of State (Cool Japan Strategy, Okinawan and Northern Territories Affairs,Regional Revitalization, Regulatory Reform, Ainu-related Policies),
Minister in charge of Digital Garden City Nation Vision,
Minister for the World Expo 2025,
Minister in charge of Administrative Reform
inister of State (Cool Japan Strategy, Okinawan and Northern Territories Affairs,Regional Revitalization, Regulatory Reform, Ainu-related Policies),
Minister in charge of Digital Garden City Nation Vision,
Minister for the World Expo 2025,
Minister in charge of Administrative Reform

This year we received 289 applications in the Movie Category and 124 in the Project Category. I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to everyone who submitted their initiatives as well as to the panelists and everyone else who lent their cooperation.
"BONSAI AZUMA GOYOMATSU" and "TIMELESS YUKIGUNI", the Grand Prix Award in the Movie Category were awarded to two fantastic videos that showcased the appeals of two elements of Japanese culture: bonsai and snowy regions. They created stories linking regional nature and history and told them through stunning visuals.
"Saudi Arabia Anime Village Project", the Grand Prix Award in the Project Category was awarded to the first large-scale anime event to be held as part of Jeddah Season, a major national event in Saudi Arabia. Previously an unknown for anime, the project was able to pioneer and open up the potential of the Middle Eastern anime market. Not only has this helped to achieve a global increase in the number of Japan fans, it is also historically significant.
From the government’s perspective, we hope that these prizewinning initiatives will be widely communicated both inside and outside Japan through overseas diplomatic establishments and other organizations. This will help to boost the number of those interested in Japan and enhance Japan’s soft power.


CJPF AWARD 2023 Movie Category Comments

Yoshiki Tsuji
School Headmaster, Tsuji Culinary Institute; Chairman,
Tsujicho Group
chool Headmaster, Tsuji Culinary Institute; Chairman,
Tsujicho Group

In the past few years, I have been amazed at the changes in the prizewinning initiatives organized by the Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform. While the quality has of course increased, I have been most surprised at the clear transformations in how people want Japan to be perceived in international society. In particular, I have noticed an increase in number of projects whose aim is to express Japan’s respect for nature through video. In addition, in these videos I have seen a rise in the portrayal of quintessentially Japanese elements such as harmony and beauty.
Japan’s respect for nature was born from its confrontation with and acceptance of natural disasters and numerous other challenges. Instead of just reaping its benefits, Japan has a strong, unique desire to coexist with nature, despite the severe disasters it can cause. This desire has influenced our lifestyles and our sense of beauty.
The theme for this year’s applications was “Disseminating the attractions of Japan to a post-COVID world”. Allow me to express my appreciation to all those who worked to tackle this challenging theme for 2023. I believe that many of this year’s initiatives successfully presented elements for Japan to showcase to international society. I look forward to these initiatives becoming opportunities for people to increase their understanding of Japan.

Movie Category Panelist

Cosplayer/ Cool Japan PR Ambassador
Kazutaka Sato
Representative Director, International Otaku Expo Association
Representative Director, Circle.ms
Laetitia Da Costa
Product Manager,
Japan Experience
Tomoe Makino
Chairman, Foundation for Meta Tourism
Digital Strategy Advisor, Japan National Tourism Organization
Kenichi Watanabe
Director, Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform / XPJP Inc.

CJPF AWARD 2023 Project Category Comments

Takeshi Natsuno
Specially Invited Professor and Director of Cyber Informatics Research Institute Kindai University
Specially Invited Professor and Director of Cyber Informatics Research Institute Kindai University

This year, too, many of the diverse entries received awards for their distinctive efforts to promote Cool Japan. Be it the spread of Japanese anime in countries where its popularity is growing due to global OTT services; the introduction of the long-standing ekiben culture to Europe; app, video, and online initiatives; the spread of ninjutsu; or the creation of a market for premium sake, these awards confirmed that uniquely Japanese elements in various genres continue to be acknowledged and accepted by countries worldwide. In addition to measures to further boost anime, sake, and other elements of Japanese culture already established overseas, we have seen measures that have led to rising global interest in areas such as ekiben and ninjutsu that haven’t been explored before. This shows just how important it will be to use Cool Japan policies to uncover and develop even more quality elements of Japanese culture. I am overjoyed that post-COVID, the charms of Japan are being communicated worldwide, and I would like to commend the award winners this year for their imaginative and creative initiatives.

Project Category Panelist

Takaaki Umezawa
Takaaki Umezawa
Senior Partner at A.T. Kearney/Chairperson of CIC Japan
Shujiro Kusumoto
Representative Director and President, CAFE COMPANY Inc.
Lauren Rose Kocher
Vegas PR Group
Oya Koc
CEO of Oyraa
Sakiko Yamada
Japan Representative of International Academy of Gastronomy

Osaka–Kansai World Expo 2025 Award Panelist

Seiichi Saito
Director of Panoramatiks and EXPO Co-creation Program Director
Manabu Inoue
Assistant Director, General Secretariat of the Headquarters for the World Expo 2025, Cabinet Secretariat
Jun Kusumoto
PR and Promotion Director, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition
Yoshimasa Sakai
Director, Opportunity Development Office, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition

Organizer and Supporters


Cool Japan Public-Private Partnership Platform (CJPF)
The CJPF, which is administered by the Cabinet Office’s Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters, was established in December 2015 to pursue the Cool Japan Strategy via collaborative efforts that bring together the public and private sectors as well as numerous industries. Currently, CJPF members include government agencies and organizations, and private-sector companies, organizations, institutions and individuals. All members provide support for information sharing and new business-project creation.

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